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Miscellaneous Subjects.
Property of a Gent.
Miscellaneous subjects
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Through The Woods
H.E.Bates, wood engravings by Agnes Miller Parker, publ. Victor Gollancz 1936, first edition, no dust jacket. Good binding copy
Down The River
H.E.Bates, wood engravings by Agnes Miller Parker, publ. Victor Gollancz 1937, first edition, no dust jacket. Good binding copy
Country Matters
Written and engraved by Clare Leighton, publ. Victor Gollancz 1937, first edition, no dust jacket. Good binding copy
Four Hedges
Written and engraved by Clare Leighton, publ. Victor Gollancz 1935 second impression, no dust jacket. Good binding copy
The Adventures Of The Black Girl In Her Search For God
George Bernard Shaw, wood engravings by John Farleigh, publ. Constable, 1932, first edition, good
The Adventures Of Gabriel In His Search For Mr. Shaw
Dr. W.R.Matthews, illust. Ruth Wood, publ. Hamish Hamilton, 1933, first edition, good
The Engraved Work of Eric Gill
Publ. HMSO for V& A Museum, 1980 2nd impression, paperback, very good
The Man Who Planted Trees
Jean Giono, wood engravings by Harry Brockway, publ. The Harvill Press 1995, paperback
Very good
The Company of Swans
Jim Crumley, wood engravings by Harry Brockway, publ. The Harvill Press 1997, paperback
very good
Harold Curwen & Oliver Simon, publ. Curwen Press, Antique Collectors Club very good
25 Nudes
Eric Gill, publ. Cassell, 1988, very good
Forty Nudes
An anthology of wood engravings selected by Simon Brett, publ. Silent Books, 1988, very good
Long Drawn Out Trip, A Memoir
Gerald Scarfe, publ. Little,Brown, 2019, very good
Animal Farm
George Orwell, illust. Ralph Steadman, publ. Secker & Warburg, 1995, very good
A.D.Divine, publ. Faber & Faber, 2018 (facsimile of 1945), very good
The Nine Days Wonder
(The Operation Dynamo)
John Masefield, publ. Heinemann, 1941, 2nd. edition, good
The Mammoth Book of Native Americans
Edited by Jon E. Lewis, publ.Robinson 2018, paperback, very good
Bewick’s British Birds
Intro. By Diana Vowls, publ.Arcturus 2022, paperback, very good
Nature’s Engraver
A Life of Thomas Bewick
Jenny Uglow, publ. Faber & Faber, 2006, very good
John Bewick
Engraver on Wood 1760 – 1795
Nigel Tattersfield publ.British Library & Oak Knoll, 2001, good
A History of British Birds
Thomas Bewick, publ. Folio Society 2010, 2 vols in slip case, very good
The Poetry of Nonsense
Emile Cammaerts, publ. Routledge, n.d. cloth spine, patterned paper sides, rebacked,
Farmer’s Glory
A.G.Street, wood engravings by Gwendolen Raverat, publ. Faber and Faber, 1934, first thus
Coming Down The Seine
Robert Gibbings, wood engravings by the author, publ. J.M.Dent &Sons, 1954, good
Trumpets From Montparnasse
Robert Gibbings, wood engravings by the author, publ. J.M.Dent & Sons, 1955, first edition, no dust jacket.
Puffin By Design
Phil Baines, publ. Allen Lane 2010, profusely illustrated, paperback, very good
Lorna Doone
R.D.Blackmore, illust. Charles E. Brittan & Charles E. Brock, publ. Sampson, Marston & Co. for Boots The Chemists, n.d., c.1925,
Boswell In Holland
Edited by Frederick A. Pottle, publ. Heinemann, 1952, no dust jacket, good
The Man Who Planted trees
Jean Giono,illust. Michael McCurdy, publ. Peter Owen 1996, paperback, good £5
Pastures New
Ian Niall, wood engravings by Barbara Gregg, publ. Heinemann, 1952, first edition, no dust jacket, good
St. Andrews
Two Poems by Rudyard Kipling and Walter de la Mare
Illust. Malcolm Patterson, publ A&C Black, 1926, firstedition, good
Wonders of Natural History
E.L.Grant Watson, illust. Barbara Gregg, publ. Pleiades Books, 1947, no dust jacket, good
Eric Gill
Fiona MacCarthy, publ. Faber & Faber, 1990, paperback converted to hardback, good
Songs of the Sea
Rudyard Kipling, illust. Donald Maxwell, publ. Macmillan and Co., 1927, first edition, rebound in cloth with original titling mounted on front board, good
A Garden of my Own
An anthology with wood engravings by Yvonne Skargon, publ. Silent Books, 1996, very good
Boswell’s London Journal
Edited by Frederick A. Pottle, publ.Heinemann 1951, no dust jacket, good
The Tempest
William Shakespeare, illust. Edmund Dulac, publ. Hodder & Stoughton, 1982, very good
The Sleeping Beauty
Retold by Arthur Quillqr-Couch, illust. Edmund Dulac, publ. Hodder & Stoughton 1981 very good
The Holy Land
Lithographs and Diaries by David Roberts, R.A., publ. TheAmerican University in Cairo Press, 2nd. Edition, large quarto, very good
Travels in the Interior of North America
Maximilian Prince of Wied, illust, Karl Bodmer, publ. Taschen, 2001, large quarto, very good
Art Nouveau
Klaus-Jurgen Sembach, publ. Taschen, 2016, large quarto, very good
Five Decades of the Burin
The Wood Engravings of John De Pol
Edited and published by David R. Godine, 2004, paperback, profusely illustrated, very good
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Thornton Wilder, illust, Clare Leighton, publ.Longmans, Green & Co., 1930, no dust jacket, good £18
The North American Indian
Edward S. Curtis, publ. Taschen, 2022, thick 8vo., 765pp of photos, very good
The Sea and the Jungle
H.M.To,Linson, woodcuts by Clare Leighton, publ. Duckworth, 1930, first thus, no dust jacket, good £20
Portrait of a Village
Francis Brett Young, engravings by Joan Hassall, publ. Heinemann, 1937, first edition, no dust jacket, good
Sealskin Trousers
Eric Linklater, wood engravings by Joan Hassall, publ. Rupert Hart-Davis, 1947, first edition, no dust jacket, good,
The Story of a Norfolk Farm
Henry Williamson, illust. Christopher Wormell, publ. Clive Holloway Books, 1986,very good
The Insect Man
Eleanor Doorly, illust. Robert Gibbings, intro. By Walter de la Mare publ. W.Heffer & Sons, 1936, first edition, no dust jacket, good £8
Coming Down the Wye
Robert Gibbings, illust by the author, publ. J.M.Dent & Sons, 1942, first edition, no dust jacket
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples 4 Vols.
Winston S. Churchill, publ. Cassell, 1968, very good
Black’s Sketch Books
Robert J.S.Bertram, publ. A & C Black, 2009, facsimile of 1920 edition, very good
Bath and Wells
Black’s Sketch Books
D.S.Andrews, publ. A & C Black, 2009, facsimile of 1920 edition, very good,
The English Lakes
Black’s Sketch Books
Gordon Home, publ. A & C Black, 2009, facsimile of 1922 edition, very good
Untrodden Grapes
Ralph Steadman, publ. Harcourt Books, 2005, 4to., very good
The Grapes of Ralph
Ralph Steadman, publ. Ebury Press, 1992, 4to, very good
A Song of the English
Rudyard Kipling, illust. W.Heath Robinson, publ. Hodder & Stoughton, (reprinted from ‘The Seven Seas’, n.d. ), rebound in black leather n.d?
William Shakespeare, illust. John Austen publ. Calla Editions, n.d., reprint of a 1922 edition,
gold blocked covers, very good
Eric Gill : Sculpture
Judith Collins, publ. Lund Humphries in association with Barbican Art Gallery, 1992, illustrated exhibition catalogue, large paperback, very good
A 400th anniversary portrait
Edited by Ernest Zillekens, Third Millenium Publishing, 2010, 4to., very good
Ralph Steadman, publ. Jonathan Cape, 1983, oblong 4to., very good
Critical Critters
Ralph Steadman, publ. Bloomsbury Wildlife, 2020, large paperback, very good
Travels With My Sketchbook
Michael Foreman, publ. Templar, 2017, oblong 4to. very good
Grinling Gibbons
And the Art of Carving
David Easterly, V&A Publications, 2000, large paperback, very good
Poppy Field
Michael Morpurgo, illust. Michael Foreman, publ. Scholastic, 2018, 4to. very good
Eric Gill
Fiona MacCarthy, publ. Faber&Faber, 2020, paperback, very good
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll, illust. Barry Moser, publ. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,n.d. large paperback, very good £25
The Fairy Tales of Hans Anderson
Illust. Kay Nielson, publ. Omega Books, 1986, 4to. very good
A History of British Wood Engraving
Albert Garrett, publ.Midas Books, 1978, 4to. very good
Prints & Drawings
Europe 1500-1900
Peter Raissis, Art Gallery NSW, n.d., 4to., very good
Divine Draughtsman & Designer
Carmen C. Bambach, publ.The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, 2018, heavy 4to., very good £45
Hills and the Sea
Hilaire Belloc, illust. Donald Maxwell, publ. Methuen & Co., 1927, fair
All following group of titles on counties written and illustrated by Donald Maxwell
Published by John Lane, The Bodley Head
Unknown Essex 1925
Unknown Surrey 1924
Unknown Dorset 1927
Unknown Suffolk 1926
Unknown Sussex 1923
Unknown Kent 1924 (2nd.edition)
Unknown Somerset 1927
Unknown Norfolk 1925 (with dust jacket)
All first editions, without dust jackets, except where indicated
£15 each
The Book of the Clyde
Written and illustrated by Donald Maxwell, publ. John Lane, The Bodley Head, fair
Ronald Searle
A biography
Russell Davies, illustrated throughout, publ. Chris Beetles, 2003, 4to., very good
The London Sketch Club
David Cuppleditch, publ. Alan Sutton, 1994, illustrated throughout, paperback, good
To The Kwai – And Back
War Drawings 1939 – 45
Ronald Searle, publ. Souvenir Press, 1986, 4to., very good
Quentin Blake Pens Ink & Places
Tate publication, 2018, large paperback, very good